High School Musical

Auditions were held this afternoon for the main parts in our summer production High School Musical. Pupils from Years 5 & 6 worked hard learning lines and songs from the show for their audition. They were all fantastic, even though they were nervous speaking in front of their classmates. Miss Read more…

Year 6 SATs!

Year 6 SATs will be held next week. Monday 14th SPAG and spelling test. Tuesday 15th Reading Comprehension test. Wednesday 16th Maths arithmetic and reasoning 1 tests. Thursday 17th Maths reasoning 2 test. The children have worked incredibly hard. We wish them the best of luck! Don’t forget to come Read more…


Class 4 have been doubling numbers to ten this week and on Friday, they played ‘Hit the Button’ to see how good their mental recall was. They were given a minute to see how many doubles they could find. The top of our leaderboard currently looks like this: Jola: 17 Read more…