Young Voices

On Thursday, the school choir took part in the Young Voices concert at Manchester Arena. We joined together with other schools to form a mass choir of 5470 children. After an afternoon rehearsal (and a quick tea break) they performed to a packed arena audience of parents, carers, family and Read more…

What time is it Mr Wolf

Class 3 have been studying The Three Little Pigs. Yesterday we played a game of what time is it Mr Wolf. The Children found this challenging at first but with perseverance they were able to make o’clock. The children then challenged themselves to make half past the hour.

Maths in Reception!

Today the children in Reception worked together to make numbers up to 15 in different ways using a variety of equipment. They persevered and managed to explain all the different combinations they had learnt using mathematical language. Then they found the correct digit and some children put them in order!