
During this half-term, one of our PE lessons has been to learn yoga. The children have really enjoyed learning new poses each week. This week we have learnt a sun salutation.

Children’s Mental Health Week

From 5th -11th February is Children’s Mental Health Week, this year the theme was ‘our voice matters’ All the children were encouraged to wear their favourite scarf today to raise awareness. We also talked about things that make us proud and shared lots of things that we should be proud Read more…

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day, to celebrate this day the children learnt more about how to stay safe and be SMART on the internet. The children made some lovely posters which will be displayed in our classroom!

Lights Camel Action!!

What an amazing job our KS1 and Y3 children did performing in the play ‘Lights Camel Action.’ All the children worked really hard practising the songs and words on the run up to the play and we really hope everyone who came to watch enjoyed it as much as we Read more…

Sliders and Levers

During our DT project, the children have worked hard to create some superhero sliders and moving pictures using levers. The children have followed the design process carefully and created some brilliant moving pictures, which we have proudly put on display around school.

Gingerbread Man Experiment

As part of our materials topic in Science, the children enjoyed carrying out an experiment to test which material would be waterproof for the gingerbread man to cross the river. The children made predictions, carried out the experiment and discovered the plastic bottle would make the best boat!