Mud Kitchen!

During half-term we had an exciting delivery to our mud kitchen. This week we have been busy using our scoooping and pouring physical skills, maths to discuss capacity and imagination to create ‘mud pies’ ‘chocolate pancakes’ and ‘chocolate fudge cakes!’ Yum Yum!

Independent Writing Challenge!

The children in Reception are embracing their new challenge today, they have all been given special independent writing books to look after and shiny new pencils to write sentences with. They are all eager to write about our new story ‘Farmer Duck.’

The sun has been shining today and the children in Reception have been working hard in their outdoor learning area. They have been building models, acting out The Three Little Pigs with small world toys, reading books in the ‘reading throne’ and using role play to be teachers taking pictures Read more…

Outdoor Maths!

Reception have been building towers as part of their outdoor learning, Kye found a way to make it “taller” even when he couldn’t reach and George was measuring whether the tower was “taller” or “shorter” than him. The children also had lots of fun counting how many bricks they had Read more…

Maths in Reception!

Today the children in Reception worked together to make numbers up to 15 in different ways using a variety of equipment. They persevered and managed to explain all the different combinations they had learnt using mathematical language. Then they found the correct digit and some children put them in order!