Class 9
Fractions and Decimals
This term we have been learning about fractions and decimals. We used concrete resources to help our understanding. We used chocolate cake to compare denominators of fractions. We used place value counters and egg boxes to understand decimals and a whole.
Class 9
Play through Maths – International Maths Day
This week our school celebrated International Maths Day. The theme this year is ‘Playing with Maths’. For our Maths lesson, children played a variety of board games including chess, trivial pursuit, connect 4, monopoly and more. We discussed how maths is everywhere and how this links to our games such Read more…
Class 4
Maths day
To celebrate Maths day today we played some maths games. Our first game was to use the dice to make addition sentences, we raced to see which group could complete the most using the timer. We also played ‘grab the cube’ where we followed instructions and used our number bonds Read more…
Class 5
International Maths Day
Children in class 5 enjoyed ‘International Maths Day’ we played lots of different maths games they included going forwards and backwards, also working out number problems to be able to move on in the games!
Class 4
Provision Learning
Lots of fun and learning in provision this week. We have been classifying animals, using adjectives to describe, building fairy houses, recognising alien words, practicing fact families, and even having a go at learning how to crochet!
Class 4
Number bond shop
We have been practicing our number bonds to 20 this week. We have set up a shop in our classroom and have been using 20p’s to buy things and working out the change.
Class 8
Practical Fractions
We have been exploring fractions using number rods. We tested the different lengths to see how many equal parts we could find. On to equivalent fractions next!