Our Recent Blog Posts

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Using our senses outdoors

This afternoon we used all of our senses to find objects outside. We challenged ourselves to use more than 1 sense to describe something.    


After all our hard work in phonics this week and sitting our phonics screening tests we have had a celebration this afternoon in Class 4. We played games and ate some delicious party food. Thank Read more…


We have done lots of phonics practice this week in preparation for our phonics screening checks. We have played games and have been building on reading fluently.

EYFS Farm trip

Nursery and Reception had a wonderful day on the farm! We got to ride on a donkey and take a tractor ride to feed the ponies. We fed and held some animals and watched Farmer Read more…

Clay Turtles

Today we finished our clay turtle sculptures. We mixed paints to make the colours we wanted and used different brushes to create finer details on our work. We are very proud of our wonderful artwork!  Read more…

Furry visitors

Today, Mrs Simms brought in her Guinea Pigs, Flash and Milo. The children were very careful and quiet not to scare them. We all carefully stroked them and watched them run around and eating some Read more…

Reception Stay and Play

Thank you to the families who attended our stay and play this morning! The children enjoyed sharing their learning with you and exploring a range of activities.

Little Play Town

Class 4 had a fabulous morning at Little Play Town learning about different occupations through role play.


We have been exploring fractions this week in Maths and the children have been learning how to split into quarters and halves. We have had lots of practical practice and even brought it into our Read more…