Provision Learning

Lots of fun and learning in provision this week. We have been classifying animals, using adjectives to describe, building fairy houses, recognising alien words, practicing fact families, and even having a go at learning how to crochet!

Erosion Experiment

We are learning about erosion and how drools can change their form. We wanted to test different types of rocks to see if some erode more easily than others. By rubbing two of the same type of rock together we were able to compare them. We found that the sedimentary Read more…

What colour is light?

In the science unit Seeing Light, Class 14 investigated the question: What colour is light? They shone a torch onto a shadow and watched how the ray of light refracted and split into the 7 colours of the spectrum.

Science Ambassadors

On 22nd November the Year 5 and 6 Science Ambassadors attended a meeting at Hopwood Primary School. They worked with Ambassadors from other primary schools to complete investigations working towards achieving the Crest All Superstar Challenge. They had a great afternoon and showing all four of the core values!

Creating Condensation

This half term we have been learning about the three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. This week we learnt about condensation and did an experiment in class to see how gas becomes a liquid. We drew and wrote our observations and discussed when we see condensation in real Read more…

Perfect Periscopes

As part of our Science topic, ‘Seeing Light’, Class 13 made periscopes to explore reflection. They had to cut and fold the card carefully, thinking about the angles of incidence and reflection. When they had finished, they tested them by standing outside the classroom and using them to see in.

Gingerbread Man Experiment

As part of our materials topic in Science, the children enjoyed carrying out an experiment to test which material would be waterproof for the gingerbread man to cross the river. The children made predictions, carried out the experiment and discovered the plastic bottle would make the best boat!