Fractions and Decimals

This term we have been learning about fractions and decimals. We used concrete resources to help our understanding. We used chocolate cake to compare denominators of fractions. We used place value counters and egg boxes to understand decimals and a whole.

Library Visit

Year 4 visited Heywood Library this week. Children chose a range of books including comics, fantasy and historical. Children also chose books from topics we have done in class this year such as Vikings and climate change. They signed their own book out at the till and enjoyed the lovely Read more…

Rochdale Town Hall

As part of their Graphic Novel Project, Year 4 went to Rochdale Town Hall. We took part in an exciting trail to look at different rooms and had passwords and riddles to solve along the way. We looked at the outside of the building to see the gargoyles and grotesques Read more…

World Book Day

Class 9 celebrated World Book Day this week! Children were dressed up as a word such as creative, athletic and magical. We looked at an alternative version of the three little pigs story from the point of view of the wolf. We did some drama to prove the wolf’s innocence Read more…

Artefacts from Grace

Grace in class 9 has brought lots of artefacts into class including Roman coins, Roman dice, bullets from WW1 and a lead toy aeroplane. Our class loved looking at the items and discussing how and when they were used.

Wear your Scarf to School Day

This week was Children’s Mental Health Week. At Harwood Park, we believe Mental wellbeing is essential for all children. In school we use SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) to teach children about positive mental health. We finished the week by holding a ‘wear your scarf to school’ day’! Read more…