Today wasn’t an ordinary arithmetic lesson… We played KABOOM! We were placed in groups and had to take it in turns to take a stick out of a pot. The stick had an arithmetic question on it. If we got it right we got to keep the stick for the Read more…

Money money money! 💰

In Reception we have been learning about money in maths. We are becoming familiar with the different coins and amounts, by the end of the week we will be solving problems involving money and learning how to use it in context.   

Reading Scales

As we continue to learn about measures in year 2, we have been thinking about how to read different scales. We worked in small groups to carefully weigh different things like rice and pasta and we learned how to read different scales carefully. Have a look at our video. Look Read more…


This afternoon 5 members of Year 6 took part in the annual Mathletes tournament held at Siddal Moor. In the first round they competed against St. Luke’s. Heap Bridge were the opposition in the semi-final. We played against St. Michael’s in a tense final, winning by just one point. A Read more…

Maths Potions?

In Maths today, Class 9 had to search high and low to find different measuring cylinders – each one contained a key ingredient for a potion that we are currently planning in our English work. The children needed to measure the quantities of each ingredient and convert these measurements from Read more…

The importance of play!

In the Nursery we learn through play! It helps us to understand the world around us and encourages us to develop as individuals in a variety of ways. This includes our confidence, imagination, communication and social skills. Play is important as it supports early brain delevopment and because it’s fun Read more…