Outstanding Maths

Class 11 have been working excellently on subtraction of fractions. This process involves many steps: identifying improper fractions and mixed numbers, converting between the two, exchanging and simplifying whilst subtracting. It has been very challenging but the children have worked excellently — including coaching each other and verbalising their methods Read more…

Digital Footprints

Class 11 have been learning about their digital footprints — focusing on  how and why different companies use our personal information. The children considered the different online services and products that they themselves use and log in to. We discussed the importance of ensuring our privacy is respected and that Read more…

Working Scientifically

Class 11 have been combining a topic on Forces with a unit of Working Scientifically. We have been exploring the mechanisms behind pulleys, levers and gears. In our most recent lesson, the class put into practice their understanding of levers – creating a scenario using classroom equipment where they investigated Read more…

Emotions in French

Class 11 are pictured here demonstrating different emotions. We have learnt how to verbalise these feelings and emotions in French. Confusion (confusion) Ennui (boredom) Heureuse / Heureux (happiness) Tristesse (sadness) Colère (anger) Solitude (loneliness)


Class 11 have completed their Power Maths unit on multiplication and division. This unit of work included using both operations, inverse operations, square numbers and cubed numbers. Here the class are using cubes to help them identify cubed numbers.