World Book Day!

We’ve had an amazing morning of activities for our world book day celebrations! We’ve made our own bookmarks, book covers, book reviews, masked reader, and a book quiz! Not to mention everyone’s amazing costumes!

Library Time

On Monday, an excited Class 6 visited our Library to learn about the library atmosphere. They thought it was lovely and calming, perfect to do some quiet reading. Class 6 got to explore the wonderful selection of books on offer and even started borrowing books to continue their reading journeys Read more…

The Three Little Pigs

We have been reading the Three Little Pigs in nursery and the children are really enjoying it! They are starting to repeat phrases from the story and answering questions about the story such as, “which house did the wolf blow down?” “which house was the strongest house?”

We Made a large house outside out of the bricks, the children pretended to be pigs and the wolf saying phrases such as “little pig, little pig let me come in!”

The children have also enjoyed making pig faces, independently placing facial features in the correct places.

We have re-enacted the story using the puppets and theatre stand. Also, children have independently re-enacted the story in the home corner and role play areas.

We have had lots of fun so far reading about the Three Little Pigs.
