Hero or villain?

In history, we have been studying crime and punishment through the ages. We have learnt all about the rise of highway robbery throughout the Georgian period. In particular, we have focussed on the most famous highwayman, Dick Turpin. Through the use of primary and secondary sources, we have collected information Read more…

Pottery group

Some of Year 6 have a very relaxing time exploring creative activities on Friday afternoons. This term we are learning different pottery techniques. Here are some photos of our slab pots. This week we had a go at coil pots. Here’s some more photographs.    


In Science we have been learning about classifying organisms. We have learnt how to group animals according to Karl Linnaeus’ theory and this week we discovered the advantages and disadvantages of micro-organisms/microbes. We made bread to observe how the yeast helps in this case, as yeast is an example of Read more…