Wonderful Wallets!

Year Three improved their fabulous sewing skills this Summer term in Design and Technology. They made their own purses and wallets out of felt. They learnt about different stitches and fastenings and decorated their products to fit their design criteria.

Year 5 Textiles

Year Five enjoyed making felt cubes in D&T. These had different functions depending on the children’s choice. Some products were baby toys with soft stuffing. Other products were filled with heavy materials to become  paper weights or door stoppers. Skills were built upon prior learning from previous years – 3D Read more…

Fruit Salad – Food Technology

Class 4 have been researching the ingredients of canned Fruit Salad as part of their Food Technology project. It was fun looking and smelling different brands – but the best activity was eating it! Their next step is to use what they have found out to design their own recipes.

Pottery group

Some of Year 6 have a very relaxing time exploring creative activities on Friday afternoons. This term we are learning different pottery techniques. Here are some photos of our slab pots. This week we had a go at coil pots. Here’s some more photographs.    

Light up Robots

Class 10 made their own robot models in DT. There were inspired by reading Ted Hughes “Iron Man”. They had also been studying electricity in Science and knew all about circuits and switches so it was fun to apply this knowledge to make the robots light up.