Mountain Valley Bouldering!

It’s Day 2 of Year 6’s Robinwood visit, and Valley Group have been bouldering. The conditions were cold but everyone showed excellent resilience and courage throughout, navigating their way around a tricky course.

Robinwood Alien Conspiracy!

Hill Group today took part in a two hour covert mission in the hills and fields of Todmorden, keenly searching for evidence of an alien conspiracy. It was a very cold mission, but all the children persevered and uncovered some interesting secrets…


Valley Group’s first activity today was climbing. They had to climb the indoor climbing wall. Well done to everyone, they did a brilliant job on their first attempt.

The Newsroom

This morning Class 13 transformed into a newsroom. The Year 6 children worked in pairs to produce the final draft of their news reports about Sandra Trickett and the Friends of Hopwood Park. Copies of their work will be available to read by the end of the week.