The Day Class 12 Quit!

Class 12 enjoyed celebrating World Book Day! We had lots of different characters from lots of different books! Throughout the day, Class 12 wrote their own book – THE DAY THE CLASSROOM QUIT! We based it on the ideas from Drew Daywalt’s ‘THE DAY THE CRAYONS QUIT’. We wrote letters Read more…

Special writing!

Class 7 made a fantastic effort on Friday with their special writing. The focus was story writing and considering a sequel to our class book ‘Gladiator Boy’. The children got their heads down, focused and produced some great work!

Reading Week!

It has been reading week in Reception and the children have been pulling apart a letter from the duck that the nasty mean farmer chopped up. The children had to read the sentences and work together to put the letter back together in the right order to save the duck! Read more…