Fundamental Movements

In our second lesson of PE, we have started to practise fundamental movement skills. We practised balancing carefully using a beanbag to manoeuvre a figure of 8 and we played a game of ‘flamingos’ which involved balancing on one leg. We also practised hopping skills – which made the balancing Read more…

Welcome back Class 6!

This week Class 6 have had a great start to the school year! They have started a  Design and Technology project by researching products that have already been made and looking at mechanisms in pop-up books. We’ve started PE lessons where we have practised our throwing and catching skills and Read more…

Basketball Lesson

This week, we have enjoyed learning new skills during our P.E lesson. We are learning our basketball dribbling and defending skills ready to put these to the test in a game next week. There was some amazing skills and movement around the court.


To finish off the half term, and our rounders topic, we had an inter year group rounders game! It was a super close game with some excellent catches and amazing bowls, but with a final score of 10:9 the winner was…. CLASS 10! we had a lot of fun and Read more…


Class 8 have been practising moving around at different levels and creating a flow of movements. We have enjoyed experimenting with different movements including the caterpillar, the bear and the crab.