Marvellous Moves

In PE with Miss French this week, Class 4 were tasked with finding different ways to move across a bench. The children came up with a variety of different ways, including some Miss French hadn’t even thought of! Some of the them provided quite a challenge when it came to Read more…

The importance of play!

In the Nursery we learn through play! It helps us to understand the world around us and encourages us to develop as individuals in a variety of ways. This includes our confidence, imagination, communication and social skills. Play is important as it supports early brain delevopment and because it’s fun Read more…

The 3 little pigs

This week in Nursery we have been reading the story of the three little pigs. We have really enjoyed retelling the story both indoors and outdoors and building our own houses in the construction areas. Even the Reception children came to help us. We created our own junk modelling houses Read more…