Robinwood – Archery

Watch out Team GB – Harwood Park has some future Archery stars! After a few practice shots, the children split into two teams: “Brilliant Batz” and “Flying Foxes” and competed against each other to score the most points. The final score was: Brilliant Batz: 102 Flying Foxes: 111 Also, several members Read more…

Robinwood – Climbing

Hill Group had their second session on the climbing wall this morning. They all challenged themselves to achieve more than the day before, whether that was climbing to a higher position, reaching the top, or using only certain coloured holds. The staff were really impressed with the attitude of all Read more…

Robinwood – Nightline

Valley Group completed the ‘Nightline’ activity this afternoon. They had to follow the rope to complete an obstacle course. Sounds easy, right? Well, it would have been had they not been blindfolded. They had to use their communication and team work skills to negotiate the course, which was made even Read more…

Mountain Valley Bouldering!

It’s Day 2 of Year 6’s Robinwood visit, and Valley Group have been bouldering. The conditions were cold but everyone showed excellent resilience and courage throughout, navigating their way around a tricky course.

Robinwood Alien Conspiracy!

Hill Group today took part in a two hour covert mission in the hills and fields of Todmorden, keenly searching for evidence of an alien conspiracy. It was a very cold mission, but all the children persevered and uncovered some interesting secrets…