Garden centre role play

In nursery we have been developing our communication and language skills in our garden centre role play area. The children have been learning new vocabulary and the meaning of the words, for example, bean, seed, planting. Miss O’Connor has spent time in the role play area modelling the speech and language skills to the children.

Olympic Ordering Decimals

Class 11 used their mastery skills and perseverance to be on the Olympic panel in Maths! Children had the decimal scores of a heptathalon event and had to order the scores of 10 Athletes. This was particularly challenging as some events were in ascending order (hurdles) and some were in descending order (shot put). Once this challenge was complete they then had to total the scores for each Athlete to find the overall winner. Many Read more…

Our new and improved playground!

As I am sure you have already seen, our playground at Harwood Park has had some very exciting additions! The children were itching to climb on and they were finally let free one class at a time.   We we discussed safety, turn taking and patience, as well as how we respect the equipment, which will hopefully result in smooth and fun experience. Have a look at our first interactions!  

Primary leaders unite: Meeting two

Last week were welcome during our fellow primary leaders from our local cluster schools into our school. Each school shared how they had encouraged their peers through lessons and activities to understand mental wellbeing and develop strategies to support it. We were able to share and gain other suggestions too. Popular activities have been Yoga, excercising, using go noodle in class, peer massage, anti bullying projects and advising on using social media safely. Each pair Read more…

Learning about LS Lowry

In Class 6, we have started our Linked Learning learning journey all about LS Lowry and his artwork. On Friday we discussed his work by thinking about what the pictures were of, what he used to create them and we also thought about what it might have been like to live during, and in, the industrial scenes his pictures

New playground equipment!

Over the half-term holidays we have been very lucky to have had some new climbing frames built in our KS1 & 2 playground! The children (and adults) were very excited to unveil the new playground this week. All classes have now had a chance to have a go with their class teachers and all the children now know the rules and how to stay safe when it is their turn to play on the equipment. Read more…

The race is on!

For half-term homework, Class 11 created their own homemade boats for a race! As part of our forces topic, we focused this week on water resistance. We discussed how streamlined shapes would be the best design due to the pointed front and curved back to allow the water to flow over and around it. Well done to Alex C who won the race with an amazing time of 1.75 seconds!