Good morning Year 6! We hope you are enjoying your home learning tasks and the extra activities.
Here is a reminder of today’s tasks:

Reading book – 15 minutes

KS2 English SAT Buster 1 test per day

Grammar Book pages 42 – 43 Verbs with ‘have’ and ‘ing’

Power Maths page 15 – 16 Angles in triangles (2)

There will be a sheet in your pack with support to find angles. Today’s task uses your knowledge of angles in a triangle without a protractor. Remember all angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

Here’s some more guidance for today’s task:

PE – Take part in Joe Wick’s 30 minute PE session at 9am.

If you are not able to do this, write a diary about your favourite PE lessons this year. Describe the skills you used and any games you enjoyed in the lesson. If it is possible, try and pratice some of the skills from this lesson in your garden .

Other ideas to keep busy:

  • Write a list of 10 things you are greatful for in your life.
  • Ask an adult if they would like help with anything around the house such as tidying or washing up.
  • Organise and tidy your bedroom. You might be able to fill a bag with old toys and games that you no longer want and have this ready to take to a charity shop in the future.

Don’t forget you can listen to David Walliams reading a short story each day. You can find the links below:

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

Check the blog each day for your learning tasks and other interesting activities to keep you motivated.
We would love to read any comments below to let us know what you’ve done today! If you missed yesterday’s work, it’s still available on the blog so make sure to go back and catch up. 

If you have any questions about the work, please email:

Miss Dytch at

Miss McGowan at

Keep smiling!

From Miss Dytch & Miss McGowan 🙂


josh a · 26th March 2020 at 10:31 am

I can’t find my protractor

    Miss Dytch · 26th March 2020 at 4:39 pm

    Hi Josh, hope you are safe and well.
    There are some questions where you can calculate the answer without a protractor using your knowledge of 180 degrees in a triangle. If you want extra practice using a protractor, I’ve added a link below to an angle game.

    Hope this helps,
    Miss Dytch

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