Thank you to all the parents who came to our PATPAL this morning! The children loved showing their parents and carers how we do RAMP reading. I can’t wait to hear what the children about the Roald Dahl books they bought!

Safer Internet Day

Today Class 6 had a lesson with the digital leaders for Safer Internet Day. They listened to a story about staying safe on the internet and then learnt how to stay SMART on the internet. Safe, Meet, Accept, Reliable and Tell!


In PSHE class 6 have been learning about VIPs and relationships. This week we thought about cooperation- a special one to us as it is part of our core values. They had to work in groups to complete a tangram. The children then reflected on whether they’d listened well to Read more…

Houses now and then

As part of our History learning journey The Great Fire of London we have been thinking about how the fire spread so auickly and why it lasted for so long. This week, the children made models of houses in 1666, and houses we see now. They used Lego for bricks, Read more…