Reading (daily):  Children should be reading every day. We have included 3 reading books for children to read at home. Children can also read their own story books that they have at home. We would rather you read just a few pages with your child each day rather than race through a book and focus on mastering your child’s understanding of the text using the comprehension questions linked on Class 5’s page.

Spellings (daily):  Spellings to be practised every day (two lists have been provided so practice one list each week). Children can also practise spelling year 2 common exception words linked on Class 5’s page.

Phonics (if needed – daily):  Children who need to practice phonics should use the Phonics play website- phase 3/4/5 (free to parents with username: march20 and password: home.

You can also download phoneme and word flashcards from twinkl to practise phase 1-5 sounds with your children.

English (daily):  Children will receive one piece of English work to be completed per day. This will either be a writing or reading task (see overview in pack). When writing, please encourage children to use the ‘Super 6’ (capital letters, full stops, sitting letters on the line, cursive handwriting, phonetic spelling, and finger spaces). Please also encourage children to form their ascending (h, d, f, h, k, l) and descending (g j y p q) letters correctly.  Ascending letters should reach the top of the line and descending letters should hang below the line.

Maths Fluency (daily):  As part of this we would encourage children to practise counting forwards and backwards in their 2s, 3’s, 5s and 10s.  There are some great counting songs on youtube and we often use BBC supermovers in class which the children love.

Children should also practise their addition and subtraction (one digit and two digit), as well as their 2s, 5s and 10s timestables and division. is great for timestables and division facts.

Maths (daily):  Children will receive one piece of maths work to be completed per day. This will be a range of SATS style questions in line with the topics we have covered in class so far. Children may need some concepts explaining to them. We would encourage parents to help where necessary but try and let the children complete independently if possible.

Geography project:  In Geography this term we have been exploring and comparing the Arctic and Antarctica. We would like to ask the children to research an animal of their choice from either the Arctic or Antarctic and present their findings.  This could be a poster, an information leaflet, a model, a drawing or a painting.  Be as creative as you like!

History Project:  In History this term we have been looking at the Great Fire of London.  We learnt about Samuel Pepys and his diary of the events of the Great Fire.  We thought the children could write their own daily diary entry during their time at home (similar to Samuel Pepys in the Great Fire).  This could include their day to day activities, thoughts and feelings and they can keep it for the future.

ICT (weekly):  Please find included your child’s Purple Mash login. Children can access educational games and they will be familiar with using this from ICT lessons.

Science (weekly):  Our current science topic is growing plants.  Children could sequence the life cycle of a plant from a seed and/or a bulb.  Children could also look at how seeds are dispersed by dissecting a variety of fruits e.g.  watermelon, kiwi, apple, tomato, cherries.  Ask children to predict how many seeds each one has and discuss which fruit had the most seeds, which fruit had the least seeds, ways in which the seeds could be dispersed and reasons why some fruits contain more than one seed.

Twinkl are providing parents with a free monthly subscription and they have lots of resources around this topic.


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