National Maths Week in Class 4

This week has been national maths week and to celebrate in Class 4 we have made our very own number bonds to 10 paper plate! We matched each number bond to 10 using ribbon and plastercine. This will help us with our maths homework at home.

Welcome Back Class 4!

Welcome back to our new members of Class 4! We have had a lovely first few days in our new classroom. We have enjoyed catching up with all of our friends and playing fun games. We have also been working on our fine motor skills by doing ‘dough disco’ as Read more…

Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 8th July

Good morning Year 1. Happy Wednesday !Here is a reminder of your home learning tasks for today: Remember to keep active with Joe Wicks’ workout or why not try out some of the movement and mindfulness videos on  GoNoodle to get you ready for the day ahead! Reading/Phonics: Tune into your daily Read Write Inc lesson. Read more…