Good morning Year 6! We have made it to the end of another week and another home learning pack! We have been impressed with your work ethic these last few months – you have been working really hard. Keep it up! New home learning packs and a special treat will be available next week (please look out for the notification text).
- Read for at least 20 minutes. Remember – if you’re stuck for what to read, we have lots of recommendations (both on and offline for you to read).
- Finish your story. Write the ending to your story. This could be a happy conclusion, suspense (a cliff hanger), a sad ending, a surprise or leave it open for a sequel. We’d love to read what you’ve produced! Maths
- Complete the multi-step word problems worksheet from your home learning pack. Top tip: break down the questions and try to write each step out as a calculation. E.g. John has 1000 toy cars and donates 250 to charity is 1000 – 250 = 750 written as a calculation. Don’t let the words confuse you!
Extra activity
- Organise the grand unveiling of your story. Invite your family to come and listen to your story. If you have younger siblings, perhaps it could be their bedtime story? (As long as it’s not too scary of course!).
As usual, if you need any help or would just like to send us an update, either comment on the blog post or send your class teacher an email.
Miss McGowan – class
Miss Dytch –
Have a lovely Wednesday!
Miss McGowan and & Miss Dytch