Good morning everyone,
We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend and are ready for this week’s home learning. Please see below for today’s activities:
Daily exercise
Make sure you get some exercise in every day. This could be going for a walk, a bike ride, an assault course in your garden or a workout video from YouTube.
Today’s Maths is to complete the Egg Boxes worksheet. Each egg needs to be packaged in the correct size box. Match the shape name to the shape.
Use the picture to write 4 different sentences including a noun phrase, ‘because’, possessive apostrophe and an exclamation sentence.
Complete another 2 balloons on your I am an Amazing Person! worksheet.
Afternoon activity
Use your recycling bin to create a junk model of an vehicle of your choice – a car, a plane, a rocket or anything else!
Purple Mash
Just a reminder…to allow you to keep in touch with your friends, school have set up an emailing service on your purple mash account. If you log on to purple mash > computing > 2Email, you can email your classmates in an easy and safe way. Let your friends know what you have been up to and wait for a reply back.
Don’t forget, if you have anything you want to share and ask please comment below or email your class teacher:
Enjoy your day,
Miss Wolf and Miss Gibson