Le Carnaval

We have been learning about a festival from another culture this week – the French festival of Le Carnaval (“the carnival”). It starts with Mardi Gras (which is French for “Fat Tuesday”), the French equivalent of Pancake Day. There are lots of parades and street performances and children get to Read more…

Building Terrariums

Class 9 and 10 had a wonderful time this afternoon building our own terrariums! We can’t wait to see what plants grow from the wild seeds we used! Everyone who brought a bottle is able to take theirs home and keep us updated with what appears!

Tenths and Hundredths

To start our exploration of fractions this week, we looked at dividing one whole into tenths and hundredths. To support us with this, we used the base ten equipment to make different hundredths fractions and looked at how we could partition this then into tenths and hundredths. It was a Read more…

Exploring Area

In Maths we have been learning about area. Area is “the size of the space a shape takes up.” We started by counting counters, squares and other objects to find the areas of pre drawn shapes but today we took our maths lesson outside and used PE cones to make Read more…

SCARF Workshop

This week, we had a visit from Rachel and Harold the Giraffe from SCARF. We talked about our bodies – even getting to see what they looked like inside – and how to keep ourselves healthy and happy. Then we too a virtual trip with Harold to Diversity World and Read more…

Grouping and Sorting Animals

In our Science lesson this week, we’ve been looking at different animals and thinking about the similarities and differences between them. We then used the similarities to group our animals with other, similar animals. How do you think Lily, Aaliayah, Alfie and Evie Leigh have sorted the animals below: