What is prayer?

This week in RE, Class 8 have been looking at prayer and why Christians pray. We learnt that Christians pray as a way of communicating with God – it’s like a conversation. You can pray anywhere, anytime and there are different ways of praying such as singing as a group Read more…

Remarkable Reporters!

In English we have been exploring the text ‘The Paper Bag Princess.’ Today we wrote some fantastic newspaper reports describing the dragon’s attack on the castle. We used lots of adjectives for description and included new vocabulary we have learned.      

Investigating Light

As part of our Super Scientists topic Class 5 have been investigating light. We learned about Issac Newton and the discovery he made about light. We used torches and prisms to explore how we can see the different colours of light as a rainbow.

Owl Puppets

In our design and technology lessons, Class 5 have been making puppets. We made an owl puppet to link with our text in English. We used many skills such as designing, cutting, sewing and evaluating. Our completed puppets have been proudly displayed for all to enjoy!