Anti-bullying Week

After the Anti-bullying performance, Year 6 focused on the role of a bystander. We used the Anti-bullying website to watch videos that children had made and then discussed the different roles of a bystander: reinforcer, assistant, outsider and an upstander. We explored the ways we could be an upstander to Read more…

WW1 Art

As part of our History topic and for Remembrance day, Year 6 created a piece of World War One Art. Children designed a unique backdrop using powder paints and sketched silhouette soldiers to contrast the colours. They then used a range of resources to create poppies including felt, paper, wool Read more…

Crucial Crew!

Year 6 had a trip to Crucial Crew at Rochdale Football Stadium. In groups, professionals such as nurses, police officers and transport police explained the importance of health and safety. This included safety online, on railway tracks and how to eat healthily. Children had the chance to play games, take Read more…