Good morning Year 1

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend and that you’re ready for a new day of home learning.

Remember to keep active with Joe Wicks’ workout or why not try out some of the movement and mindfulness videos on  GoNoodle to get you ready for the day ahead!

Reading/Phonics: Tune into your daily Read Write Inc lesson.

Please see updated timetable below:


Maths task- Describing positions – pages 63-65.

English task- History of the Seaside reading comprehension pack. Children may need help reading some tricky words in this and you may need to guide them on where to refer in the story to find the correct answer.


  • 10 minutes of mindfulness.
  • Maths fluency- maths addition sheet.
  • Phonics sheet- ‘air’ sound.

History lesson 3:

This lesson will focus on how entertainment at the seaside has changed over the last 100 years. Watch the video clip ‘Seaside Entertainment- Magic Grandad’. You might need to explain what a pier is to your child, and how they are mostly used for attractions and entertainment still today. Grandad and his grandchildren step back in time to before even the cinema was invented. What do you notice about what attractions are on the pier? What games do the children stop to look at and what does grandad stop to eat? Once they get to the theatre the people watch a ‘moving picture’ show. Why do you think people were so amazed at moving pictures? Do you think people had televisions and ipads at home to play with? How does this compare with what we have today? Your task today is to imagine you are a child in the 1900s who has just been for a day out at the beach.

Write a diary entry telling us all about your fantastic day out. This can be one or two sentences about what you did or what you wore.

Things to remember when writing: what did you wear to the beach? (think about what the little boy and girl are wearing in Magic Grandad!); how do you get there? (remember many people did not have cars 100 years ago!), what did you play/what did you see once you got to the beach? (remember Ipads and smart phones were not invented either! What did the children in Magic Grandad do and see?)


Categories: Class 11Class 12


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