Happy Wednesday
What have you found out so far this week? Have you tried any new activities? I hope your having fun.
Todays work
Exercise – do your favourite lock down exercise, what ever that may be but you do have some exercises to do this afternoon.
Reading – Children should read for a minimum for 20 minutes each day. Please ask them questions to check their understanding.
Maths – Children are to divide each outside number by 4 and see how quick they can finish the race. They might want to practice beforehand and remind children of their 8s timetable song too.
English – Complete the summer time comprehension.
Mindfulness – What Positive Have Come From Lockdown? – complete part of the sheets each day
Afternoon activities check out your pack there is a work out for you to do, you can do this with the whole family.
Have a great day
Miss Gibson & Miss Wolf