History in Class 6

Today we have been finding out about historical sources and how they help us to find out about things that have happened in the past. In groups, we looked at different sources about the 1969 moon landing such as newspaper reports, photographs, magazine covers and special stamps from this time. Read more…

Skittles Fun!

As part of our new Science learning journey, ‘Working Scientifically’ Class 6 carried out an investigation using Skittles. We wanted to find out what happened to them when we added water. We were amazed to observe the effects and learn about what had happened. Can you explain what happened to Read more…

Shape Week

This week in our maths lessons, we have been learning about shapes. We have been naming 2 dimensional (flat shapes) and have been finding out about their properties in lots of fun ways. We enjoyed playing the guess the shape game, where we used our knowledge of the properties of Read more…