Music Makers

Children in Class 1 have really enjoyed playing a range of percussion instruments in their Music lessons. We have been practising tapping out the pulse to different music and repeating rhythms using the instruments, as well as learning to sing the songs ‘Wind the bobbin up’ and ‘five little monkeys’.

Rolling objects in P.E.

Some children in Class 1 showed an interest in rolling hoops when playing outside, so in P.E. we have been practising rolling objects to one another. We started by rolling a ball to a partner, gradually increasing the distance between us. Then we practised rolling hoops to one another.

EYFS fun in the supermarket

Children in Classes 1 and 2 have been having fun the the Supermarket role play area this week. They have been writing their own shopping lists, counting and sorting the fruits and vegetables, taking turns to use the shopping baskets and using language imaginatively to act out their role play.