Class 2’s Assembly

Well done class 2 for your lovely assembly on keeping fit and healthy. You all did a super job of learning your lines and singing our healthy eating song. Thank you to all of the parents who came to support. 

Mad science

We have had a fun afternoon with mad science today. We was learning about butterflies! We looked at butterfly wings and looked how they are symmetrical. We then coloured in our own butterfly and used it to retell the life cycle of a butterfly. We had lots of fun pretending Read more…

Yummy Carrot Soup

Our topic this term is all about being healthy. Yesterday we explored what foods are healthy and what foods are unhealthy. Today we really enjoyed making yummy carrot soup! We had to be really careful chopping up the carrots and adding the stock cube. We really enjoyed tasting it! 

Length and Height

We have been very busy in maths this week in class 2. We have been learning about length and height. We have learnt lots of new words to describe length and height and have been looking around our room searching for objects which are smaller than us and taller than Read more…

Christmas Craft Afternoon

We had a very exciting afternoon in Reception, our parents joined us to do some Christmas crafts. We made Christmas cards, Christmas decorations and wrote letters to Santa. Thank you to all of the parents who came and joined us. Our next crafts afternoon is on Wednesday 19th December. 

Subtracting Numbers

In reception we have been working really hard subtracting numbers this week. We have done lots of practical activities to practise taking away and we have learnt lots of new maths vocabulary. We really enjoyed playing subtraction bowling! 

Super balancing!

Class 2 have been working hard in PE this week doing some super balancing. We balanced on our tip toes, hands, bottoms, backs and belly’s. We tried really hard to hold the balance for 3 seconds before we stopped.