Good morning class 11 and 12, we hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Here are your learning tasks for the week. Remember we would love to hear or see what you have been up by either commenting on the blog or parents can email myself or Mr Stamp.


Read the comprehension ‘Earth Day 2020’ and answer the questions. When you have finished you could always make a poster or a Powerpoint with information about ways to protect the planet.


Today’s Maths lesson is Lesson 11, Decimals 2. Use the help sheet to support your learning and answer the questions on the copy of your workbook (Page 49).


Look up the definition of your spellings today using a dictionary or online.


Friday 8th May is the 75th VE day anniversary. VE Day is a day commemorating the official end of the Second World War. As WW2 was a topic of ours earlier in the year. This week we would like you to plan a VE day tea party at home. This work also links to our new topic in RHE which is money. Could you plan elements such as party food, make a list and work out costs using online shopping. Make decorations and put them up outside your house, have a go at baking some delicious scones as part of an afternoon tea party. Do some research into VE day and create a Powerpoint presentation to share with your family about why this day is celebrated. We would love to see photos of anything you put together.


Have a Lovely day!

Miss Bishop and Mr Stamp


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