Hello everyone, 

I hope you all had a lovely half term in the sunshine! 

Here are today’s activities following your new learning pack.

Read 20 minutes of one of your school reading books or a book at home. Have a refresh of your RAMP reading skills and discuss any words you are not sure of!

Maths – subtract numbers up to 100 using the worksheet for Wednesday 3rd June. 

Brain break time! Have some free play indoors or outdoors doing anything you choose.

English – Read Wishing: A Christmas Cinquain on your Vocabulary work sheet and answer the questions 1-6.

Optional activity – Pictionary. Have someone draw a picture and try to guess what it is before they finish drawing it. 

Reminder! Your learning packs are ready for collection, along with an arts and crafts box from Cartwheel Arts in Heywood – make sure you send us any pictures of anything you create! 

See you all very soon!

Miss Powers and Miss Sharp

Categories: Class 13Class 14


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