This week, Class 6 celebrated Safer Internet Day. We looked closely at the different ways we use technology to communicate with others, how we can form respectful relationships with others and keep ourselves safe and healthy while online. While we made online safety chatterboxes, we discussed how we communicate with others and the need to be respectful online.
After we had discussed how to behave online in ways that do not upset others, we all wrote a spell to help create a kinder internet. All the ingredients in the spells were the kinds of behaviour that make life better, and more enjoyable, for everyone online e.g., a spoonful of kindness, a handful of good manners and a pinch of patience.
We then looked at different scenarios that may occur while online and discussed how we should respond and who we could tell. To end the lesson, we made pledges about how we were going to stay safe and respectful online, these will be displayed in the school hall.