Money money money! 💰

In Reception we have been learning about money in maths. We are becoming familiar with the different coins and amounts, by the end of the week we will be solving problems involving money and learning how to use it in context.   

Reading Week!

It has been reading week in Reception and the children have been pulling apart a letter from the duck that the nasty mean farmer chopped up. The children had to read the sentences and work together to put the letter back together in the right order to save the duck! Read more…

Mud Kitchen!

During half-term we had an exciting delivery to our mud kitchen. This week we have been busy using our scoooping and pouring physical skills, maths to discuss capacity and imagination to create ‘mud pies’ ‘chocolate pancakes’ and ‘chocolate fudge cakes!’ Yum Yum!

Independent Writing Challenge!

The children in Reception are embracing their new challenge today, they have all been given special independent writing books to look after and shiny new pencils to write sentences with. They are all eager to write about our new story ‘Farmer Duck.’