Fruit tasting!

On Monday, Class 4 got to taste the different fruits from the story Handa’s Surprise. We had tried some of the fruits before but the guava, passion fruit and avocado were new to us. We were all very brave and had a taste of all the fruits – some of which Read more…

Africa Homework

Over half term, the children in Class 4 were asked to research Africa and to produce a piece of homework that showed what they had learned. Take a look at the some of the fantastic things the children brought in this week.  Holly and Scarlett even worked collaboratively on theirs!

Class Assembly

This week we had our first class assembly in Year One. We used our assembly to showcase all that we had been learning about our local area. The children worked hard to learn their lines and project their voices across the hall. We hope that all the parents and carers Read more…

Photography Masterclass

The children in Class 4 have continued to explore their local environment this week, by taking photographs of interesting things they have seen around school. When they returned to class, they used the Pic Collage app to arrange and present their photographs. Here you can see some of their creations.