Christmas Craft Afternoon

We had a very exciting afternoon in Reception, our parents joined us to do some Christmas crafts. We made Christmas cards, Christmas decorations and wrote letters to Santa. Thank you to all of the parents who came and joined us. Our next crafts afternoon is on Wednesday 19th December. 

Subtracting Numbers

In reception we have been working really hard subtracting numbers this week. We have done lots of practical activities to practise taking away and we have learnt lots of new maths vocabulary. We really enjoyed playing subtraction bowling! 

Super balancing!

Class 2 have been working hard in PE this week doing some super balancing. We balanced on our tip toes, hands, bottoms, backs and belly’s. We tried really hard to hold the balance for 3 seconds before we stopped. 

Shared Writing

In class 2 we have begun to use our phonic knowledge to write sentences. We helped each other sound out the words that we needed and began to think about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

Making our own Splat games

Children in Reception love to play splat with phonics sounds, key words and numbers. So last week the children were busy practising their cutting and creative skills by making their own ‘splatter’. They then had a go at making their own word cards and sound cards to play with.