New arrivals!

This week in Nursery we had two stay and play sessions for the new families who will be joining us after the Easter holidays. We are looking forward to welcoming 6 new children and based on the happy faces I am sure that they will settle in quickly!

The importance of play!

In the Nursery we learn through play! It helps us to understand the world around us and encourages us to develop as individuals in a variety of ways. This includes our confidence, imagination, communication and social skills. Play is important as it supports early brain delevopment and because it’s fun Read more…


In the Nursery we have been learning about shapes. We have been building models with them, drawing pictures, counting the number of sides and corners and trying really hard to describe them! We have been looking out for shapes in our classroom and around the school. Mrs Bal and Mrs Nolan Read more…

The 3 little pigs

This week in Nursery we have been reading the story of the three little pigs. We have really enjoyed retelling the story both indoors and outdoors and building our own houses in the construction areas. Even the Reception children came to help us. We created our own junk modelling houses Read more…


In Nursery this week we have been learning to measure weight and learning to use the vocabulary of weight. We weighed every day objects using weighing scales to find out which were the heaviest or lightest and we went outside to weigh ice!