Greater than and less than

In Class 3 we have been comparing amounts by identifying if they are greater than, less than or equal . We learnt the symbols (<, >, =) and challenged our partners to use the correct symbol when comparing objects. 


In PE Class 3 have been working hard in Gymnastics. We have been learning a range of simple actions and shapes to develop our balance and coordination. This week we started to transfer our new skills and ‘like actions’ onto low apparatus.  

Butterflies in Reception

Children in Reception have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly, and watching our caterpillars become cocoons over the last week. This morning we came into school to find that they have all hatched and we have 3 beautiful butterflies!  

Magnetic Forces!

  The children have have enjoyed exploring in our science tuff tray, investigating whether the magents attract or repel objects then sorting them according to whether they are magnetic or not!