Building Terrariums

Class 9 and 10 had a wonderful time this afternoon building our own terrariums! We can’t wait to see what plants grow from the wild seeds we used! Everyone who brought a bottle is able to take theirs home and keep us updated with what appears!

Safer Internet Day

The class had a great time creating our avatars to go on our Safer Internet Pledge! This pledge is all the things we as a class promise to do when on the internet. These things include being kind, helping others, not clicking on suspicious links, all things that will help Read more…

Puppet Speech!

To help us learn what should go inside the inverted comma’s, we decided to use some super helpful puppets! They spoke to us and we wrote what they said inside the punctuation!

Finding the Area

We had an awesome lesson yesterday as we looked around the playground, measuring different objects area’s  we found out that the area of the huge square outside was 24 cones times 24 cones!  We also used this time to remind ourself of the difference between area and perimeter!