Provision Learning

Lots of fun and learning in provision this week. We have been classifying animals, using adjectives to describe, building fairy houses, recognising alien words, practicing fact families, and even having a go at learning how to crochet!

Wear your Scarf to School Day

This week was Children’s Mental Health Week. At Harwood Park, we believe Mental wellbeing is essential for all children. In school we use SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) to teach children about positive mental health. We finished the week by holding a ‘wear your scarf to school’ day’! Read more…

A royal tea party

This afternoon Class 4 learnt about Queen Elizabeth II and why she was special. We looked her life and her reign and what she loved doing when she wasn’t doing her royal duties. We learnt that she loved dogs, especially corgi’s, she loved walking and she always had high tea Read more…