In The Groove 🎵

So far this half term, Class 3 have been working on the song ‘In The Groove’. Over the past few weeks we have listened and appraised the song in three different styles: Blues, Baroque and Latin. We are looking forward to listening, singing and playing the song in a range Read more…

Rain in a Jar

This week in Science, Class 3 learnt how to identify rain clouds and what happens when it rains. We made our own rain in a jar using shaving foam and blue food colouring. As our cloud filled up, the food colouring fell down into the water creating a rain-like effect. We Read more…

Paper Bag Puppets!

During our DT lesson this week and linked to our history work on toys, we designed, made and evaluated Paper Bag Puppets. We worked hard designing the Paper Bag Puppets before making them and finally evaluated our own work using 2 stars and a wish. We thought carefully about our Read more…

Jam Butties!

In preparation for our Teddy Bears’ Picnic we made our own jam butties! We followed instructions on how to make them- they were delicious! Thank you again for all the kind cake donations for our Teddy Bears’ Picnic; we were spoilt for choice!

Weather Forecasts

In Science, Class 3 have been learning all about seasonal changes and the weather. This week we watched the weather forecast and began to recognise different weather conditions. We presented our own weather reports using a map of the United Kingdom.

Shell Art

During our Linked Learning lessons we have been learning all about the seaside. As part of our topic we have created some shell art work. We developed the art pieces through creating observational drawings of shells. We studied the beach shells carefully drawing the correct shapes, patterns and lines to Read more…

Fruit Tasting

As part of our topic based on ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we tasted all of the delicious fruits from Handa’s Basket. We thought of some brilliant adjectives to describe the taste of the different fruits before voting for our favourite fruit!  Have a look at our picture collage from the lesson.