Good Morning Class 11 and 12! Hope your week is going well and you are all keeping busy with your home learning tasks! 

English – read the short text ‘The Cantervile Ghost’ and answer the questions on the other side. Why not have a go at writing your own ghost story! Or possibly carry this story on! 👻 

Maths – Lesson Three- Decimals as fractions – Follow the discover questions to help before Completing Pages 136 to 138 in your Power Maths Books. Follow this link and watch a video for help 

spelling Practise – can you use an iPad or laptop to look up the definition of each word then put them into sentences.

Reading – Read some of your reading book and I have added the next few pages of the Phantom TollBooth. We will add pages each day so we can still complete the book! 

Computing – Log on to Purple Mash and look at the ‘To-dos’ and give them a go. Create Egyptian hieroglyphics on an ancient stone wall, write about an Egyptian god or goddess or practise your typing skills. Remember to save your work. 

Also, David Walliams is reading a different short story each day at 11am. Follow the link and have a listen.

History Task – follow the link to play some Egyptian themed games: 

Other ways to keep busy today: 

  • Create a circuit in your garden. Draw pictures of the activities and place them around the garden. You and your family then need to do the activity at each station. This could be star jumps, sit ups, squats, rolly-polies etc.
  • Create a collage using any magazines, leaflets or newspapers you have around the house. 
  • If you have any Lego, action figures, toys or teddies. Could you create a motion video on your iPad or phone. You could create a fantasy story!
  • Remember ‘The body coach’ is posting live PE lessons the link on his page: 

Keep updated daily for home learning reminders, helpful tips and more fun activities to keep you upbeat, busy and motivated. 

Miss Bishop and Mr Stamp 😊


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