Good Morning Year 1!

We hope you are staying safe and your learning from home activities are going well so far this week! Below are your home learning activities for today.

Don’t forget to tune into Joe Wicks’ workout on YouTube at 9am to get you ready for another jam packed day!

Reading: Tune into a Read Write Inc lesson on YouTube- Set 1: 9:30am, Set 2: 10:00am and Set 3: 10:30am.


  1. Day 9 worksheet in your home learning pack, ‘Subtracting ones’.
  2. Play a subtraction game with your brother, sister, parent or carer. Have a number of different items in front of you that you can find around your house- this could be pens, toys, books etc. Write down how many you have (for example 13). Close your eyes while the other player takes away a number of items. Open your eyes and count how many are left. How many have been taken away? Can you write this as a subtraction calculation? ( e.g 13-5=8) Make it harder by giving yourself a time limit. Can you beat your partner’s time?


  1. Day 9 English task from your home learning pack.
  2. Read the e-book Hansel and Gretel.  Choose a character and write a short character description about them. What do they look like? What is their personality like? Don’t forget to use interesting adjectives and Super 6 !


Have a go at The Daily 10 game on top marks to keep up with your maths fluency skills.


Finish off your project. We can’t wait to see what you have made! Don’t forget you can post pictures of your project on our daily blogs or parents can email it to your class email address (find email addresses below).

Other activities to keep you busy:

  • Get organised! Maybe your room needs tidying or you need a clear out of your toys. Now is the perfect time to do it!🧹🏘
  • Don’t forget to take a listen to free audiobooks available on Audible. Let us know in the comments below what you listened to!📚
  • Pebble Art! To do this all you need is a pebble and some felt tips/paint. Decorate the pebble with your own design. You can either keep this or hide it for others to find when you are on a walk. Look at the pictures below for some inspiration:

Don’t forget to comment on the blog when you have finished your tasks for the day to let us know how you are getting on!

Parents/carers can also email us on and if you have any questions about the home learning tasks we’ve set.

Miss Lee and Miss Carney 🙂

Categories: Class 11Class 12


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