By now, you should have received a letter to tell you when your child’s sports day is going to take place. Please see below dates and times if you are unsure.

This year we are holding it at Hopwood Park and very kindly ‘The Friends of Hopwood Park’ have offered to open their cafe facilities for the adults who will be joining us.

For the classes that have their sports day in the morning please can the children arrive at school in their full PE kits with appropriate footwear. For all other classes please ensure your child has their kit in school.

Refreshments will be provided for the children and if it is forecast to be a warm day please ensure your child has sun cream and a sun hat in school.

We are all looking forward to a fun filled day and hope you are too!

Thank you for your continued support.

EYFS (Nursery and Class 1&2)  Tuesday 19th June 10am – 12.

KS1: (Classes 3,4,5,6 &7) Tuesday 19th June 1.30 – 3.00

KS2: (Classes 8 – 13) Wednesday 20th June 1.30 – 3.00


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