Good morning! Well, here we are at the end of our second week of home learning. I want to say a really big ‘well done’ to you all – it’s not easy to stay engaged and motivated with all the other distractions at home. So if you managed to complete any, some or all of the work you should be proud of yourself!

Thanks to those of you who have left or comment or had your parents send an email – it’s been wonderful to see what you’ve been up to. Radley’s mum emailed me this photo of the Lego creations he made in response to Monday’s ‘Something Fun’ challenge and was happy for me to share it on here so his friends could see.


Here are your tasks for today:

  • Daily Reading (at least ten minutes – please record in  your reading record)
  • Maths: Power Maths  Unit 10, Lesson 3 Dividing by 10 and 100 (Pg 147-149) Here’s the Discover guidance to help you:
  • English: Grammar (SPAG Tests 1 & 2)
  • Spelling: Pick 10 words off the list, write them out and then put them in alphabetical order.
  • Fluency: Multiplication practice – focus on your 9s today. Use the hand trick (and remember to look for the pattern)

  • History: Collate all your writing and pictures together and arrange them in a creative way. If you are making a PowerPoint use this time to add animations and transitions – make it exciting (but not too visually stimulating – I have old eyes!). Your parents can send me your finished project (or a photo of it, if it’s not digital) at 
  • Something fun:
    • Create a circuit in your garden. Draw pictures of the activities and place them around the garden. You and your family then need to do the activity at each station. This could be star jumps, sit-ups, squats, rolly-polies etc.
    • Create a collage using any magazines, leaflets or newspapers you have around the house. 
    • Here’s a fun game to play with your family. Look at the two images below. Can you guess which cartoon/TV show/films these images represent? Your parents may have to help you with some, but there’s definitely some you should get. Please comment your answers, if for no other reason to help me with mine!  😂

Don’t forget to leave a comment to let everyone know what you’ve been up to! If you’ve missed any of the home learning, it’s still available on the blog so make sure to go back and catch up (particularly with the Maths or you may be lost).

If you have any questions about the work or want to send me photos or examples of the work you’ve been doing, please ask your parents to email me at or you can leave a comment here on the blog.

Miss French


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