Tens and ones

In Class 6 we have been refreshing our brains of all our maths skills before we start our Power Maths next week. We were able to use dienes to show the tens and ones in lots of 2-digit numbers. Miss sharp was very impressed when we could add and take Read more…

Shell Art

During our Linked Learning lessons we have been learning all about the seaside. As part of our topic we have created some shell art work. We developed the art pieces through creating observational drawings of shells. We studied the beach shells carefully drawing the correct shapes, patterns and lines to Read more…

Fruit Tasting

As part of our topic based on ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we tasted all of the delicious fruits from Handa’s Basket. We thought of some brilliant adjectives to describe the taste of the different fruits before voting for our favourite fruit!  Have a look at our picture collage from the lesson.

Measuring in Maths

Class 3 have been measuring objects using non-standard units in Maths this week. Today we used cubes to measure the length of different objects including rulers, lunch boxes and books. We took care to start at the edge of the objects to make sure we made an accurate measurement.