VR Workshop

On Wednesday, Class 14 took part in a VR workshop about North America. They saw the Northern Lights in Canada, a moose in Alaska and explored New York at night. They also flew over the Golden Gate Bridge and down the Las Vegas strip. The class thoroughly enjoyed the experience!

Give Us A Clue

During our RAMP lesson today we read 3 poems. In groups, the children then took it in turns to act out one of the words from the poem. The rest of the group had to guess the word. Have a go with some of the words: dare, cackle, slumbering, immortal Read more…

Mission Statements

During our RE unit of work we have been looking at what different religions think happen when a person dies. This week the children have created their own mission statements to state how they will live their life and what they hope to achieve.

Blackout Poetry

To celebrate National Poetry Day Class 14 made Blackout poems. They selected a piece of text from a story book, chose key words and blacked out the words they didn’t need. The results are stunning!

Thank You!

Class 14 have been writing letters of condolence to members of the Royal Family. They studied the life of Queen Elizabeth II and after the funeral wrote a letter to express their sympathy.